The Church Evaluation Surveys are in the narthex. Please find your labeled envelope, fill out the survey and return unfolded to the box in the back of the church no later than Sun., May 21st. Instructions are included in your envelope. You can also be a huge help by delivering surveys to members you see during the week. This will save us from having to mail them.
Why is it important to do this? Your participation in this survey will help us evaluate our ministry by allowing you to offer feedback on how we are doing as a congregation. Your comments will help us to learn what is working well to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ – and help us to see what may be blocking congregational effectiveness and growth. Of course, all your responses will remain anonymous. Your signature is not even required on the survey! The results of the survey will be tabulated and sorted by computer, and our congregation will receive a summarized report of how our people perceive our congregation and its various ministries. You will also be asked to fill out a quick, four question survey for the next four weeks for every person attending church. Before you enter the church, please fill out the survey (one sheet for each person) and place in the box in the narthex. This is another step in our Church Evaluation prior to the Call process. This Congregational Self-Study includes interviews (of several of our elected leaders, Church Workers, and paid staff) and seeks information about our past congregational history and current ministries. Thank you in advance for helping your congregation to prepare and plan for the future by participating in this important ministry project.
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January 2025