School Registration Preschool - 8th grade
Mon., June 20 8AM-4PM; Tues., June 21 Noon-7PM Wed., June 22 8AM-4PM; Thurs. June 23 Noon-7PM Call the school office for an appointment if you will need to schedule a different appointment. What you will need to bring for Registration Preschool Families: Birth Certificate, Immunization, Health Appraisal, Insurance Card, Driver’s license – iChat New families/Kindergarten: Birth Certificate, Immunization, Health Appraisal, Insurance Card, Driver’s license – iChat, 2 proof of residency (ex. Car registration, Driver’s license or monthly invoice in envelope w/ current address) Returning Families: Driver’s license – iChat, Insurance Card School summer office hours for the month of July will be Tuesday through Thursday 8AM-4PM.
The Council made the decision to close the Building Fund on December 31, 2021 and any Building Fund contributions after December 31, 2021 would go to the General Fund to build up our staff. The Voters also approved the establishment of a new fund—Facility and Property Improvements Fund. This new fund will be used for major maintenance/improvements of the building and grounds of the church and school.
We understand this can be confusing when you are supporting the mission of our church and school. However, please remember that any fund you give to supports our mission. The following are instructions to help with this change: Online giving --whether it be the mobile app, online, or through the St. Paul website, any funds you have designated for the Building Fund will go into the General Fund. If you still have the Building Fund designation set up for online giving, we ask that you change it to the General Fund or another fund. We are unable to remove that designation until everyone changes their Building Fund designation. If you prefer to give to another fund, please choose that designation. Envelope giving—The General Fund and Missions can still be used. Any amounts you put on the Building Fund line will go to the General Fund. If you prefer to give to another fund, please cross out the Building Fund description and write the fund you wish to support. |
Weekly eventsWorship Opportunities
Saturday 7:00 PM Sunday 8:30 AM Sunday 11:00 AM Live Stream Sunday 11:00 AM or Anytime Faith on Fire Sunday 10:00 AM Coffee Hour Sunday between Services Regular events
November 2024