Empty Bowls Meal
Parish Hall Wednesday, March 6, 2024 5:00 - 6:30 PM Menu: Homemade Soups Homemade Bread Beverages Delicious Homemade Desserts Trade your ticket for a bowl made by a 3rd Grader. Door Prizes Silent Auction Sponsored by: St. Paul 3rd Graders Proceeds will be donated to the Good Samaritans and Toys & Joys. Sunday, March 17th at 9:45AM in the Parish Hall
-Review or begin your estate plans -Wills vs Trusts -POA’s -Best way to gift your assets to family and ministry at death -Naming Guardians for your children What is the Lifetime Plan for Giving? Many people want to provide for the people and ministries they care about but don’t know how to get started. The Lifetime Plan for Giving is a process offered by the LCMS Foundation to assist you in transferring the blessings God has given you to your family and favorite ministries in the most efficient manner. How does the process work? Michigan gift planning counselor, Julie Burgess, will be at St. Paul on Sunday, March 17 at 9:45AM in the Parish Hall to share information about planned giving for your estate. Julie will share information about establishing a will or revocable living trust, the best ways to transfer gifts to family and ministry, and the importance of re-visiting your plan throughout your lifetime. Adults of all ages are encouraged to attend this informational presentation. Thanks to the support of Michigan District, CEF and the LCMS Foundation, all of Julie’s services are free to Lutheran members. Dorcas Christmas Bazaar
Saturday, November 11th 9AM-3PM Luncheon 11AM-1PM Homemade Candies, Baked Goods, Rag Rugs, Crochet & Knitted Items, Craft Items, Plants, Quilts, Wood Items, Christmas Ornaments Vendors Welcome - $15.00 – Bring your own table & chair. Contact Lori Osborn 989-205-9873 for vendor info. NOVEMBER 5, 2023
11 am – 1:30 pm Featuring........Baked Chicken, Barbequed Steak, Ham, Homemade Meatballs, Sauerkraut/Sausage, Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing, Mac - n- cheese, German Potato Salad, Squash, Green Beans, Tossed Salad, Relish Tray, Rolls, Assorted Homemade Desserts, Drinks $14 – Adults (13 and older) / Take-Outs $10 - Children (5 yrs - 12 yrs) $5 - Children under 5 Questions-call/text Diane Bishop (810) 288-8614 All proceeds to support St. Paul Facility and Property Improvement Fund Help needed: kitchen and buffet line, ticket sales, making and cutting desserts, serving drinks and cleanup. All ages are welcome! We are looking forward to another successful dinner! Sign-up sheets for help and desserts will be located in the narthex this weekend and next. Questions-please call/text Diane Bishop 810-288-8614. Wednesday, March 8th from 5-6:30PM. Tickets are $10.00 and include: A Handmade Bowl Made by the 3rd Graders, Soup, Bread, Dessert, Drink, Ticket for Door Prize, Silent Auction. Profits earned will be used for a food giveaway. We are looking for door prizes, silent auction items, soup makers, bread makers, & desserts. Please let Patti Martinal know if you are able to help in any way.
Sunday, February 26th in the Activity Center
Spark (Grades 3-5) 1-2PM Ignite/Impact (Grades 6-12) 2-3:30PM Bring your friends! Beginning on the 14th of January through April, we’ll be hosting euchre in the Parish Hall every second Saturday of the month. Games will start at 4:30 PM and will end at 6:30 PM. All are welcome to play, so please tell your friends. We look forward to seeing familiar as well as new players.
Sunday, January 29th - 11:30AM - Drive Thru
The 7th and 8th grade classes will be having a drive thru Lasagna Dinner fundraiser for their Washington D.C. trip. 150 dinners will be prepared. The dinner consists of lasagna, garlic bread, green beans, antipasto salad, and dessert. Please line up on the East side of the school, orders will be taken by the kitchen door. Hope you see you there! |
Weekly eventsWorship Opportunities
Saturday 7:00 PM Sunday 8:30 AM Sunday 11:00 AM Live Stream Sunday 11:00 AM or Anytime Faith on Fire Sunday 10:00 AM Coffee Hour Sunday between Services Regular events
February 2024